Monday, August 6, 2007

don't be mad ups is hiring

I'm pretty sure most would claim that my taste in music is odd but the people at my work are soo square. Sorry I don't want to hear "Summer of '69" for the 4,586 time this summer. Or that song by Queen about fat chicks. I am even sick of Mungo Jerry and I used to like that song "in the summmmertime" fuck you faggots you are killing my summer. Also U2. Man I hate me some U2 but it seems like every person in the bar is such big fans of U2. Everyone always has nice things to say about Ireland but man fuck that place. You guys are home of U2.

So when I try to throw a knuckleball into the mix Tom Candiotti style and play some Craig Mack please dont give me shit. Poor Craig Mack. "Flava In Ya Ear" is such a good tune. I hope he still has some "Flava In Ya Ear" money left over and gets to smoke some good kush or at least headies every day of the week with a lady friend who has a large arse and rude titties.

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