Sunday, May 20, 2007


Tanvir is a dood who is Bengali. He is a New Yorker. He smokes weed. He loves rap and wrestling. Tanvir is a dood who is a cool dood. This is a conversation we had.

Tanvir: sir, I will tell you how awesome Shrek 3 is when I come home
ME: is your gf dragging you there?
Tanvir: nah not even
ME: i loved shrek 1 no homo
ME: but i never saw shrek 2
ME: and this one looks bad
Tanvir: yeah wtf everyone hatin on cartoons and shit
Tanvir: if its wack, ill tell the truth
Tanvir: but i loved THE CONDEMNED
Tanvir: so i dunno what that says about me
ME: me too!
ME: omg the part where austin was reading the location of the island?
ME: '75 lattitude 46 longitude.....'
Tanvir: nigga I walked into the theatre high as a muhfucka but it was GREAT
Tanvir: ahahaha
Tanvir: the ending was Ehhh but the rest was Illmatic the movie was dope on a 5 second average
ME: dude the ending blew
ME: why did the guys wife kill him?
Tanvir: I don't know!
ME: i mean was he that bad of a dude to her?
ME: he just slapped her
Tanvir: maybe he fucked her sister
ME: they got along great for the first half
Tanvir: yeah it was odd
ME: she like brought him coffee
Tanvir: i liked his cronies
Tanvir: nathan jones was great, too
ME: was that nathan jones!?
ME: i thought it was him
Tanvir: that big nigga, yea
ME: dude hes like a fight scene dude in shitty action movies guy now
Tanvir: good career move
ME: much better than being a wrestler in shitty matches dude
Tanvir: fuck yea man
ME: my biggest problem was that austin didn't have enough lines in the movie
ME: he like didn't talk at all
Tanvir: other than those things and the weird rape shit, i don't remember a whole lot
Tanvir: yeah, wtf jack conrad SPEAK HOMIE
ME: oh yeah the weird rape shit was uhhh weird
Tanvir: yeah i was sitting there and was like uhh this is fuckin heavy
Tanvir: yo i tried watching the marine but i was passed out but my girl said that shit was the worst
ME: man i didn't even bother to see that
ME: or the kane movie
ME: marine did have T-1000 tho
Tanvir: nah i can't watch a kane movie
Tanvir: i did watch longest yard
Tanvir: i love that movie
ME: oh shit longest yard was awesome
Tanvir: kevin nash in his best role ever
ME: i was just going to bring that up
Tanvir: it was a really great "NIGGER"
ME: that was soo out of place
ME: it really was a great n bomb
Tanvir: ahahaha
Tanvir: so authentic
Tanvir: i think he's uttered that before
ME: yeah hey tanvir
ME: if i do white rapper 2
ME: guess what my name will be
ME: da enn wurd
Tanvir: hahaha
ME: you know i would work one of those gimmicks where i'm trying to like stop all racism and shit
ME: da enn wurd
Tanvir: like that dude from last season
Tanvir: jah bless or some shit
ME: yeah that one dude
ME: just rhyme
Tanvir: he embarassed the whole race
Tanvir: i felt sorry for white people
ME: man i know he was horrible i was like 'uggggh jsut stop it'
ME: but if i was on there i would take it back home to philly
Tanvir: if you can get cosigned by beanie, you're good
ME: 'this boi rite here is my man da enn wurd'
Tanvir: ahahaha i could SEE it
ME: 'he mah enn wurd'
ME: i am like shocked that no rapper has ever used this name before
ME: we have a million and one rappers using lil blah blah blah
ME: but no da enn wurd?
Tanvir: unoriginal shit, man
Tanvir: i gtg smoke up
ME: yeah speaking of grass i gtg cut my parents lawn
ME: yeah man give me the report
Tanvir: no doubt
Tanvir: 1
ME: 1

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