tshman122 (3:00:31 PM): nigga u got 4 voices how the fuk u gonna make a show outa a jon madden impression?
tshman122 (3:00:40 PM): u 2 fat 2 be doin geroge bush u faggit
tshman122 (3:00:44 PM): fuck no man
dKaf169 (3:00:57 PM): haha
dKaf169 (3:01:01 PM): yea thats true
tshman122 (3:01:06 PM): like how
tshman122 (3:01:11 PM): is he gonna do al pachino?
dKaf169 (3:01:14 PM): lol
tshman122 (3:01:16 PM): i mean voice is okay
tshman122 (3:01:21 PM): but you got a buck 20 on him man
dKaf169 (3:01:27 PM): deniro
tshman122 (3:01:33 PM): you got 75 on deniro
tshman122 (3:01:44 PM): u got 225 on bush man
tshman122 (3:01:56 PM): u even 2 fat for dr phil dude
dKaf169 (3:01:57 PM): is his show just about impressions
tshman122 (3:02:07 PM): here is where i would watch his show
tshman122 (3:02:14 PM): if his show was all about jon madden
tshman122 (3:02:20 PM): and nothing else
tshman122 (3:02:23 PM): just him as john madden
tshman122 (3:02:34 PM): eating foods and talking about them
dKaf169 (3:02:35 PM): lol
tshman122 (3:02:43 PM): thats it nothing else
tshman122 (3:02:55 PM): like going to sonic and eating everything on the menu
tshman122 (3:03:01 PM): and then breaking it down food by food
tshman122 (3:03:11 PM): and then going into his huge rv/bus cuz hes too much of a pussy to fly
tshman122 (3:03:16 PM): and just taking the rudest shit ever
tshman122 (3:03:28 PM): and they would show frank/john on the john as he shits
tshman122 (3:03:33 PM): breaking down the shit
tshman122 (3:03:38 PM): thats how each episode would end
dKaf169 (3:04:26 PM): i still like our vito jr shits everywhere idea
tshman122 (3:04:35 PM): yeah my vito jr show
tshman122 (3:04:41 PM): where he travels the lands
dKaf169 (3:04:41 PM): OUR
tshman122 (3:04:57 PM): just taking reckless shits everywhere
tshman122 (3:05:28 PM): like he will shit on everything like he's lil wayne
tshman122 (3:05:37 PM): vito jr goes to dave and busters
dKaf169 (3:05:47 PM): lol
tshman122 (3:05:57 PM): takes a huge shit on the motion sensor boxing
dKaf169 (3:06:03 PM): we should make a youtube clip
tshman122 (3:07:35 PM): no man youtube people are gay unless you're tay zonday
dKaf169 (3:07:59 PM): internet sensations
tshman122 (3:08:01 PM): being youtube clip famous is less prestigious than being pro wrestling famous
dKaf169 (3:08:06 PM): nah
dKaf169 (3:08:09 PM): u would lik eit
dKaf169 (3:08:15 PM): if 1 million people viewd ur shit
dKaf169 (3:08:19 PM): and talked about it
tshman122 (3:08:50 PM): yeah being morning drive time radio talk for 3 days is soo worth it
tshman122 (3:09:00 PM): being best week ever talk is soo worth it